A Taste Of Ra - Morning Of My Life (Häpna)
Michel F. Coté & (Juste) Claudette - (Juste) Claudette (Ambiances Magnetiques)
Michaela Melián - Los Angeles (Monika)
Guido Del Fabbro - Agrégats (Ambiances Magnetiques)
Sawako - Madoromi (Anticipate)
Goldmund - Two Point Discrimination (Western Vinyl)
Static North - S/T (Independent)
Aidan Baker - Scalpel (The Kora)
Oren Ambarchi - In The Pendulum's Embrace (Southern Lord)
Brian Grainger - Eight Thousander (Attack Nine)
Charity Chan/Remy Bélanger/Kris Colvin - Fenaison: Plat (Ambiances Magnetiques)
Andrea Sartori - Il Tagliacode (Persona)
Track Listing
A Taste Of Ra - Morning of My Life [edit1]
Michel F. Coté & (Juste) Claudette - Descente Centrale
Michaela Melián - Föhrenwald
Guido Del Fabbro - Les Lettres Troisième Partie
Sawako - Appled Soapbox
Goldmund - Light
Static North - Stubborn Tiny Lights
A Taste Of Ra - Morning Of My Life [edit 2]
Aidan Baker - Scalpel
Oren Ambarchi - Inamorata
Brian Grainger - Whitecaps
Charity Chan/Remy Bélanger/Kris Colvin - Interrelations C
Andrea Sartori - Supertele
Listen to Surgery 51 click here