The hodgepodge collection that was 2007’s
Load Blown marked this Brooklyn crew’s skip over to their Animal Collective buddies’ label. The focus on Repo remains on the healing/disorienting power of the loop, though with a little less dogmatic minimalism. Opener “Nite Creme” illustrates how their brand of noise rock has tapped in the energy flow of American hardcore, siphoning DIY energy and ragged experimentalism into a real time jam. Black Dice prefer the wink to the frown, however. Cousin Panda Bear’s acclaimed
Person Pitch could be summarized as “Good Vibrations” for Kraftwerk fans, but
Repo, though related, defies reduction. Oddly nostalgia-inducing turntable stabs, off-speed/kilter vocal loops, and what sounds like a sentient pawn shop with Pee Wee Herman at the till only offers a preview of the mayhem. The whacked kids show vibe reaches it’s peak on “Lazy TV” which sounds like The Wonderful World of Disney on the best hash brownies money can buy. For the older and funkier set “Ultra Vomit Craze” simulates James Brown’s discography bit-reduced into an old school Gameboy. Those who like their noise angry or austere may be put off, but if they drink the punch they’ll be fine.
Paw Tracks